On Wednesday 6th June, the Anti-corruption bureau (ACB) laid a trap for 2 CIDCO officials who were demanding a Rs 1,00,000 bribe from a lawyer for issuing a conveyance deed. Lawyer Vandana Jadhav had been trying to secure a conveyance deed for Sri Ganesh Society in Ghansoli for the past year and a half. Recently, CIDCO estate officer Sanjeev Dhole (45 yrs old) and his assistant Sunanda Gaikwad (51 yrs old) demanded 1 lakh in bribe. After further negotiations, they settled at 50,000.
Lawyer Vandana Jadhav informed the ACB who laid a trap and caught the officials red handed.
This is just one in a long series of corruption cases in CIDCO, an agency which thrives on corruption from head to toe.
Bribe lands CIDCO officials in jail
Bribes are an integral part of CIDCO. Without bribes, no work is done.